Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tales from Greek Mythology

Cadmus: Founder of Thebes

Cadmus was the son of Agenor king of Tyre and his queen Telephassa, and the brother of Europa (after whom the continent of Europe is named), as well as of Phinix, Cilix, and Thasus.

The chief of the gods Zeus was smitten by the beauty of Europa. He decided to either seduce or ravish her, which was the same thing as far as the gods were concerned. One day when Europa and her fellow nymphs were gathering flowers, Zeus came to her in the guise of a tame white bull and began to graze along with the herd of her father Agenor. Europa mounted the charming white bull after affectionately stroking its flanks. Zeus the bull promptly ran off with Europa on his back and, swimming through the sea, arrived in Crete where Europa realized that she had been abducted by none other than the chief god himself. To make a long story short, Europa became the first queen of Crete.

Europa was the apple of the eye of King Agenor and he was devastated at the news of his daughter's mysterious disappearance. He entrusted his sons with the mission of finding Europa, charging them never to return without his beloved daughter. The queen Telephassa also accompanied her sons. They searched far and wide for Europa without getting any clue to her disappearance. Unable to find his sister, Phinix gave up the quest and settled in a place which was said to have been later named Phoenicia after him. Europa's brothers Cilix and Thausus likewise gave up the search for their sister and settled in regions founding cities that were also named after them: Cilicia, in Asia Minor; and Thasos, on a large island off the coast of Thrace.

While his brothers dispersed in search of Europa, Cadmus along with his mother settled in Thrace where Telephassa soon died of grief at the loss of her daughter. After performing the last rites of his mother, Cadmus went on a pilgrimage to Delphi to consult the Oracle of Apollo concerning the whereabouts of his sister. The oracle advised him to give up his search for Europa, but instead to assume the duty of founding a new city. He was instructed to follow a heifer he would find in a field to wherever it would lead him and build a city on the spot where the heifer would stop. Sure enough, Cadmus soon found the young cow he was to follow among the herds of Pelagon, king of Phocis. After praying to Apollo Cadmus followed close behind the heifer to Boeotia where, after crossing the shallow stream of Cephisus, it sank to the ground in fatigue upon the plane of Panpoe. 

Having found the place where he was to build the city of Cadmea, later to be called Thebes, Cadmus decided to sacrifice his guide the heifer to Athena, goddess of heroic endeavor. For that purpose he sends his companions to fetch pure water for the libation. They found the purest water in a lovely spring (later called Dirce or Castalia) flowing through a thick virgin grove. As they were scooping up the water with their vessels, a fierce serpent-like dragon, guardian of the sacred spring, emerged from the cave nearby. The dragon happened to be the offspring of Ares, the Greek god of vicious warfare and bloody slaughter. The horrid serpent, with its crest-like head and venomous scales shining like gold, had a vibrating triple tongue and a triple rows of fangs with which it slaughtered all the unfortunate companions of Cadmus.

When his companions failed to return, Cadmus went looking for them, and soon came face to face with the enraged dragon. Unperturbed, Cadmus attacked the malevolent monster and, after a fierce struggle, managed to slay it. Cadmus then sacrificed the heifer to Athena which immensely pleased the goddess, who told him to saw the teeth of the dragon and plant half of it in the ground. As soon as Cadmus had done so, a host of fierce warriors appeared out of the ground and, before Cadmus could engage them, the armed men began a ferocious and bloody battle among themselves. At the end of the vicious fight only five warriors were left alive who made peace among themselves. The five, styled the "Spartoi" ("sown men"), were named Echion, Udaeus, Chthonius, Hyperenor, and Pelor. They subjected themselves to Cadmus and helped him to build the city of Cadmea (the city was named Thebes in honor of Thebe, wife of the brother of a later king, Amphion). In ancient times, the noble families of Thebes claimed their descent from these five Spartoi.

The god Ares was outraged that his son, who was sacred to him, was killed by Cadmus. He punished the valiant hero with servitude for a period of eight years, after which Ares not only forgave Cadmus but also gave him the hand of his daughter (by Aphrodite, goddess of love) Harmonia in marriage. The wedding was solemnly celebrated in Cadmea in the presence of all the gods of Olympia. Cadmus gave his lovely bride a wedding present of an exquisite "paplos" (full-length garment worn by ancient Greek women) made by Athena, and a necklace made by Hephaestus (god of technology); the necklace was to have fatal consequences for Cadmus and his family as well as for the city of Thebes.

Harmonia bore Cadmus four sons, Autonoë, Ino, Semele, Agave, and Polydorus, as well as four daughters, Ino, Semelē, Autonoē, and Agavē. Semele later became the mother of Dionysus, the god of wine. Despite Ares forgiving him, the curse of the killing of the god's sacred son, the dragon, clung to Cadmus. That, as well as the malevolent influence of the Hephaestian neckalce, pursued the fortunes of Cadmus and  brought death and tragedy in the his family's life. His daughters, Semele and Ino, as well as his grandchildren, Actaeon and Pentheus, perished miserably. When dissension and civil strife assailed the city he founded, Cadmus abdicated his throne and, along with Harmonia, settled in the land of the Enchelians who made him their king. The Enchelians, who were engaged in a war with the Illyrians, conquered their foes under the leadership of the valiant Cadmus.

Cadmus had another son called Illyria while he was living among the Enchelians. However, the misfortunes and tragedies in his family continued to trouble him profoundly. He began to reflect in his mind that the life of a serpent would be immensely preferable to his miserable state of existence. As soon as he began to think along these lines, a spontaneous metamorphosis took place in him and Cadmus was transformed into a serpent. So the sacred dragon of Ares, whom he had slain, had its final revenge. Harmonia prayed to the gods to be allowed to share her husband's fate and was also turned into a serpent. Taking pity on them, Zeus carried them to the Elysian Fields, the abode of those mortals fortunate to be favored by the gods.

Cadmus is credited with introducing the art of writing into Greece: an art he is said to have borrowed from the Phoenicians. The legendary story of Cadmus has given the phrase "Cadmean victory" to the language (like the "Pyrrhic victory"), which points to the often illusory victories gained by mortals that only leads to further trouble and misery.

Tales from Greek Mythology

Athens: How It Got Its Name

The name of Athens is derived from the name of the Goddess Athena, who is regarded by the people of Athens as the patroness of the city. There is a charming story in Greek Mythology about the origin of the city's name.

Many of the gods of Olympus were enamored of the piece of land that later became the city of Athens, and all the gods wanted to name the city after their own names. Their contention reached such a pitch as to end in a bloody fight. The dispute reached the ears of the chief of the gods, Zeus, who decided to resolve the issue. He decreed that whoever would do the most beneficent thing for the city would have the city named after him or her. Zeus also appointed the first king of the city, the half-man, half-snake, Cecrops, to be the arbitrator of the dispute.

The gods competed spiritedly to be the greatest benefactor to the city. But only two of them reached the final round: Poseidon, the god of the sea, horses, and earthquakes; and Athena, the goddess of wisdom and heroic endeavor. Poseidon was the brother of Zeus and the uncle of Athena who, having issued from the head of Zeus was his daughter.

Poseidon was the first in the fray. He struck the earth with his trident which caused a spring of water to gush forth from the ground. This signified that he was offering the citizens of the city success in war at sea as well as on land. However, the people were not exactly enchanted with this "gift," as the water from the spring tasted salty, just as the waters of the sea over which Poseidon presided.

Next contender was the goddess Athena. She planted a seed in the ground, which sprouted forth to become a lovely olive tree. This signified to the citizens that Athena was giving them the gift of peace and wisdom, as well as food (olives), oil, and firewood. With one voice they loudly acclaimed Athena as their benefactress and patroness. This is how the goddess Athena got the everlasting honor of naming the city after her. When in later times money was invented in Athens, the people embossed the picture of Athena on one side of the coin, drachma, and on the other side, the picture of an owl, a bird associated with the goddess.